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Fecunditas - Fertility Reserve

4.8 ( 48 ratings )
Health & Fitness Medical
Geliştirici: agoraweb

Fecunditas – Fertility Reserve


Nu utilizati aceasta aplicatie ca alternativa la parerea unui medic. In caz de indoieli va rugam sa consultati cat mai repede un medic

Vreau sa am un copil, dar nu acum, acum imi doresc o cariera ! Pana cand pot amana? Cand va fi prea tarziu?

Fecunditas – Fertility Reserve te ajuta sa-ti evaluezi rezerva de fertilitate, astfel incat sa apreciezi cat mai corect momentul oportun pentru a avea un copil.

Cum? Introducand cativa parametri in aplicatie vei obtine un scor. In functie de acest scor vei sti daca inca ai rezerva suficienta. In caz contrar va trebui sa te adresezi de indata unui medic. In cazul in care rezerva este inca suficienta, aplicatia iti va reaminti periodic sa-ti reevaluezi aceasta rezerva, pentru a putea lua din timp masurile necesare, atunci cand va fi cazul.

Evalueaza-ti acum rezerva de fertilitate!


I want to have a child, but not right away, later on, right now I want a career!

How long can I wait? When will it be too late?

Fecunditas – Fertility Reserve can help you assess your fertility reserve so that you can have an accurate estimate of when is the right time to have a child.

How? By filling in a few parameters in the app you will get a score. Based on this score you will know if you still have enough reserve. Otherwise, you should contact a doctor right away. If your reserve is still enough, the app will constantly remind you to re-assess this reserve to enable you to take the appropriate action when the case may be.

Assess your fertility reserve now!